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Die Materialchemie - hier ein Teilgebiet der Materialwissenschaften - beschäftigt sich mit der Erarbeitung experimenteller und theoretischer Grundlagen der Chemie moderner Materialien, mit deren chemischen Eigenschaften sowie mit der Vermittlung chemischer Grundlagen der Materialien in der Lehre.

Online verfügbare Informationen zur Materialchemie und zu den chemischen Eigenschaften von Materialien.

Weitere Informationen zum Thema und ähnliche Themengebiete sowie Informationsquellen in englischer Sprache finden Sie im Menüfeld am linken Bildrand.


Aktuelle Berichte

Studium Materialchemie

Neuer Masterstudiengang Materialchemie

Zum Wintersemester 2012/2013 wurde an der Universität des Saarlandes ein neuer Studiengang 'Materialchemie' eingeführt.

Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Verknüpfung chemischer Synthese und der Charakterisierung mit material- und werkstoffwissenschaftlichen Aspekten.

Im Anschluss an die Masterarbeit besteht außerdem die Möglichkeit der Promotion in einer der Fachdisziplinen als Basis einer akademischen Laufbahn.


Daten und Datenbanken

Materials Properties
The NIST Materials Data Program provides evaluated data on phase equilibria, structure and characterization, and performance properties. NIST - [e]

Materials Properties Locator Database
Use this database to find out which Science & Engineering Library reference books contain properties data (mechanical, physical, electrical, thermal, etc.) for particular types of materials. University of Buffalo - [e]

The MatWeb's searchable database of material properties includes data sheets of thermoplastic and thermoset polymers such as ABS, nylon, polycarbonate, polyester, polyethylene and polypropylene; metals such as aluminum, cobalt, copper, lead, magnesium, nickel, steel, superalloys, titanium and zinc alloys; ceramics; plus semiconductors, fibers, and other engineering materials - [e]

NIMS Materials Database
Having the largest-scaled materials database of the world, the missions of Materials Database Station of NIMS is a world-wide materials information provider and navigator, which serves our users with the best solutions of materials selection, materials development and materials application - [e, jp]

Preparation and Etching Database: Eine interaktive, einfach zu handhabende Datenbank mit Rezepturen verschiedenster Labors, die mit Ihrer Hilfe auch erweitert und ausgebaut wird - [d, e]

An Index of Selected Thermodynamic and Physical Property Resources - [e]

The goal of TPSX is to provide easy and immediate access to material data for analysts, engineers and designers in the aerospace field. TPSX is an engineering tool - it should not be used as the final and definitive source for material information. NASA - [e]


Software und Programme

MatML is an extensible markup language (XML) developed especially for the interchange of materials information - [e]


Journale, Fachzeitschriften

Acta Materialia
Materials sciences; Acta Metallurgica Inc.. Elsevier - [e]

Advanced Engineering Materials
... are the springboard for many technological breakthroughs. Wiley-Interscience - [e]

Advanced Functional Materials
... publishes full papers, feature articles, and highlights on innovative and exciting research in all areas of materials science. Wiley-Interscience - [e]

Advanced Materials
Read carefully selected, top-quality reviews, communications, and research news at the cutting edge of the chemistry and physics of functional materials as well as book reviews, product information, interviews, and a conference calendar. Wiley-Interscience - [e]

Annual Review of Materials Research
A nonprofit journal. Annual Reviews - [e]

Applied Composite Materials
... is dedicated to the publication of original full-length papers, review articles and short communications of the highest quality that advance the development and application of engineering composite materials. Springer - [e]

Chemistry of Materials
... covers solid-state chemistry, both inorganic and organic, and polymer chemistry, especially as directed to the development of materials with novel and/or useful optical, electrical, magnetic, catalytic, and mechanical properties. American Chemical Society - [e]

Computational Materials Science
... aims to enhance the communication between experimental materials research and computational work on both existing and new, advanced materials and their applications. It publishes articles of interest to physicists, chemists and materials researchers and engineers and to other scientists involved with materials phenomena and computational modelling. Elsevier - [e]

Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences
Covering topics in solid state materials properties, processing, and applications, Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences brings you the latest and most important new developments and understandings. New and emerging theoretical and experimental topics are emphasized in the disciplines of condensed matter physics, physical chemistry, materials, and electrical, chemical and mechanical engineering. Cross-disciplinary engineering and science specialties are also included. Taylor and Francis - [e]

... reports scholarly work that explores the state-of-the-art processing, fabrication, design, and application of metals, ceramics, plastics, composites, and other materials. The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, TMS - [e]

Journal of Materials Chemistry
High impact applications, properties and synthesis of exciting new materials. Royal Society of Chemistry - [e]

Journal of Materials Online
AZojomo publishes high quality articles and papers on all aspects of materials science and related technologies. Open Access. AZoM - [e]

Journal of Materials Processing Technology
The journal covers the processing techniques of metals and other traditional and advanced materials. Elsevier - [e]

Journal of Materials Research
JMR is a premier archival journal devoted to publishing new research that demonstrates a significant impact or advance of scientific understanding of interest to the materials research community. Materials Research Society - [e]

Journal of Materials Science
... publishes reviews, full-length papers, and short Communications recording original research results on, or techniques for studying the relationship between structure, properties, and uses of materials. Springer - [e]

Materials and Corrosion
... provides you with strictly peer-reviewed, high-quality papers on all aspects of the behavior of materials in corrosive environments as well as corrosion testing and protection. Wiley-Interscience - [e]

Materials Characterization
... features original articles, state-of-the-art reviews and short communications on theoretical and practical aspects of the structure and behaviour of materials. Elsevier - [e]

Materials Chemistry and Physics
... is devoted to short communications, full-length research papers and feature articles on interrelationships among structure, properties, processing and performance of materials. Elsevier - [e]

Materials Letters
... is dedicated to publishing novel, cutting edge reports of broad interest to the materials community. Elsevier - [e]

Materials Research Bulletin
... is an international rapid publication journal reporting research on the synthesis, processing, structure and properties of inorganic materials with interesting electronic, magnetic, optical, mechanical and catalytic properties. Elsevier - [e]

Materials Science
... reports on current research into such problems as cracking, fatigue and fracture, especially in active environments as well as corrosion and anticorrosion protection of structural metallic and polymer materials. Springer - [e]

Materials Today
... is an international magazine devoted to bringing the latest materials-related research and policy news to researchers in academia, industry, and government organizations. Elsevier - [e]

Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik
... provides fundamental and practical information for those concerned with materials development, manufacture, and testing. Wiley-Interscience - [d]

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions
This monthly publication focuses on physical metallurgy and materials science, and publishes international scientific contributions on all aspects of physical metallurgy and materials science, with a special emphasis on relationships among the processing, structure, and properties of materials. The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, TMS - [e]

Microporous and Mesoporous Materials
... is an international journal covering all aspects of porous solids classified as either microporous (pore width up to 2 nm) or mesoporous (pore width ca.2 to ca.50 nm). Elsevier - [e]

Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering
Serving the multidisciplinary materials community through original contributions to modelling methods and applications, the journal covers properties, structure and behaviour of all classes of materials at scales from the atomic to the macroscopic.. Institute of Physics and IOP Publishing Limited - [e]

Nanostructured Materials
Acta Metallurgica Inc.. Elsevier - [e]

Nature Materials
... covers a range of topics within materials science, from materials engineering and structural materials. Nature Publishing Group - [e]

Progress in Materials Science
... publishes authoritative reviews of recent advances in the science of materials and their exploitation in engineering. Elsevier - [e]

Scripta Materialia
... is a leading letters journal for materials science and engineering. It provides a forum for rapid publication of cutting edge short papers which advance the understanding of structural and functional materials including metals, ceramics, semiconductors and polymers. Elsevier - [e]



Petzidat Neu
Weltgrößte Datenbank für die Präparation von Materialien und Werkstoffen entsteht - [d]


Institute und Foschungseinrichtungen

Materials Chemistry - Lehrstuhl für Werkstoffchemie. RWTH Aachen - [d, e]

Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Physikalische Chemie; Materialchemie; neue funktionelle Materialien. Universität Heidelberg - [d, e]

Arbeitsgruppe Organische Materialchemie. Universität Osnabrück - [d]

Professur für Anorganische Materialchemie. Universität Potsdam - [d]

Institut für Materialchemie. TU Wien - [d, e]

Institut für Anorganische Chemie - Materialchemie. Universität Wien - [d]


Organisationen, Verbände

ASM International
The Materials Information Society is the society for materials engineers and scientists, a worldwide network dedicated to advancing industry, technology, and applications of metals and materials - [e]

Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, the global network for professionals in the materials cycle - [e]

Materials Research Society
MRS is different from that of single discipline professional societies because it encourages communication and technical information exchange across the various fields of science affecting materials - [e]

The Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering, SAMPE®, an international professional member society, provides information on new materials and processing technologies through chapter technical presentations - [e]

Promoting the global science and engineering professions concerned with minerals, metals, and materials - [e]



Masterstudiengang Materialchemie
… an der Universität des Saarlandes in Saarbrücken. Informationen zum Studiengang - [d]

Masterstudiengang Materialchemie und Katalyse
… an der Universität Bayreuth - [d]


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Materialchemie, Werkstoffchemie, Grundlagen, Daten, Informationen, Forschung
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05.11.2014 [Änderung der Seite]

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Benutzerdefinierte Suche

Literatur- und Buchempfehlungen zum Thema Materialchemie:


Michael Scheffler, William D. Callister, David G. Rethwisch

Materialwissenschaften und Werkstofftechnik
Eine Einführung.

Der 'Callister' bietet den gesamten Stoff der Materialwissenschaften und Werkstofftechnik für Studium und Prüfungsvorbereitung. Hervorragend aufbereitet und in klarer, prägnanter Sprache wird das gesamte Fachgebiet anschaulich dargestellt. Das erprobte didaktische Konzept zielt ab auf 'Verständnis vor Formalismus' und unterstützt den Lernprozess der Studierenden.

Ideal geeignet für Studierende aus Physik, Chemie, Maschinenbau und Bauingenieurwesen, die sich mit den Grundlagen des Fachs vertraut machen möchten.

Wiley VCH; 2012

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