Verzeichnis der Internetadressen asiatischer Universitäten, gelistet nach Ländern.
- A. Alikhanyan National Laboratory (AM)
- American University of Armenia, AUA (AM)
- National Polytechnic University of Armenia (AM)
- Yerevan State Medical University (AM)
- Yerevan State University, YSU (AM)
- Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, ASOIU (AZ) [az, ru, e]
- Azerbaijan Technical University, AzTU (AZ) [e, ru]
- Baku Engineering University, BMU; BEU (AZ)
- Baku State University, BSU (AZ) [az, ru, e]
- Khazar University (AZ)
- Lankaran State University (AZ) [ru, e]
- Nakhchivan State University (AZ)
- Qafqaz University - aufgelöst
- Arabian Gulf University (BH) [e, ar]
- University of Bahrain (BH) [e, ar]
- Ahsanullah University of Science & Technology (BD)
- American International University of Bangladesh, AIUB (BD)
- Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology, BUET (BD)
- Daffodil International University (BD)
- Darul Ihsan University - 2016 aufgelöst
- Dhaka International University, DIU (BD)
- East West University, Dhaka (BD)
- IBAIS University (BD)
- IUBAT, International University of Business Agriculture and Technology (BD)
- Jahangirnagar University - North South University (BD)
- People's University of Bangladesh (BD)
- Rajshahi University (BD)
- University of Asia Pacific, UAP (BD)
- University of Dhaka (BD)
- Royal Institute of Management (BT)
Brunei Darussalam
- Universiti Brunei Darussalam (BN)
East Timor
- National University of East Timor, UNTL (TL)
- Georgian Technical University, GTU (GE) [ru, e]
- Grigol Robakidze University (GE)
- High Energy Physics Institute, HEPI (GE) [e, ge]
- International Black Sea University, IBSU (GE) [e, ru]
- Tbilisi State Medical University, TSMU (GE) [e, ru]
- Tbilisi State University, TSU (GE) [ru, e]
Hong Kong
- Chinese University of Hong Kong (HK) [e, cn]
- Chu Hai Post Secondary College (HK) [e, cn]
- City University of Hong Kong, CityU (HK) [e, cn]
- Hong Kong Baptist University, HKBU (HK) [e, cn]
- Hong Kong Institute of Education, HKIEd (HK) [e, cn]
- Hong Kong Polytechnic University (HK) [e, cn]
- Lingnan University (HK)
- Open University of Hong Kong, OUHK (HK) [e, cn]
- University of Hong Kong, HKU (HK)
- University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, HKUST (HK)
- Anna University (IN)
- Annamalai University, Tamilnadu (IN)
- Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan (IN)
- Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur, IIEST (IN)
- Cochin University of Science & Technology (IN)
- College of Engineering, Thalassery (IN)
- Dayanandasagar Institutions (IN)
- Gogte Institute of Technology, Belgaum, KLS (IN)
- Guru Nanak Dev University (IN)
- Gurukul Kangri University (IN)
- ICFAI University (IN)
- Indian Institute for Aeronautical Engineering & Information Technology, IIAEIT (IN)
- Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, IIT, IITB (IN)
- Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, IITD, IIT Delhi (IN)
- Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, IITG (IN)
- Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur (IN)
- Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, IIT, IITM (IN)
- Indira Gandhi National Open University, IGNOU (IN)
- International Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore (IN)
- Jadavpur University (IN)
- Jamia Millia Islamia (IN)
- Jawaharlal Nehru University, JNU (IN)
- Madras Institute of Technology, MIT (IN)
- Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda (IN)
- MVJ College of Engineering, Bangalore, Karnataka (IN)
- Model Engineering College, Thrikkakara (IN)
- Mohan Lal Sukhadia University, MLSU (IN)
- Nagarjuna University (IN)
- National Institute of Technology, Warangal (IN)
- Osmania University (IN)
- Panjab University, Chandigarh (IN)
- Pondicherry University (IN)
- Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar, PTU (IN)
- Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded (IN)
- University of Kerala (IN)
- University of Madras (IN)
- University of Mumbai (IN)
- Bandung Polytechnic for Manufacturing (ID)
- Bina Nusantara University (ID)
- Brawijaya University (ID)
- Diponegoro University (ID)
- Duta Wacana Christian University, UKDW (ID)
- Hasanuddin University, UNHAS (ID)
- Institut Teknologi Bandung, ITB (ID) [in, e]
- Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, ITS (ID)
- Jayabaya University (ID)
- Maranatha Christian University (ID)
- Padjadjaran University (ID)
- Petra Christian University, East Java (ID)
- Swiss German University, SGU (ID)
- Trisakti University (ID) [b-i, e]
- UNIKA Widya Mandala Surabaya (ID)
- Universitas Airlangga, Jawa Timur (ID)
- Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta (ID)
- Universitas Indonesia (ID) [in, e]
- Universitas Islam Indonesia (ID)
- Universitas Islam Sultan Agung, UNISSULA (ID)
- Universitas Jember (ID)
- Universitas Katolik Atma Jaya (ID)
- Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, UNPAR (ID)
- Universitas Pasundan Bandung (ID)
- Universitas Sumatera Utara, USU (ID)
- Universitas Tarumanagara (ID)
- Universitas Terbuka, UT (ID)
- University of Lampung (ID) Irak
- Basrah University
- Salahaddin University, Erbil
- University of BaghdadIran
- Ahlulbait International University (Ahl al-Bayt International University)
- Amirkabir University of Technology, AUT
- Damghan University (IR) [per]
- Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
- Golestan University, Rasht (IR) [per, e]
- Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources (IR)
- Guilan University of Medical Sciences
- Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, IPM (IR)
- Iran University of Science & Technology, IUST (IR) [e, per]
- Isfahan University of Medical Sciences (IR)
- Isfahan University of Technology
- Islamic Azad University, Tehran
- Islamic Azad University of Najafabad (IR) [per]
- Islamic Azad University of Qazvin (IR) [per]
- Kashan University of Medaical Sciences & Health Services (IR) [per, e]
- K. N. Toosi University of Technology (IR)
- Lorestan University (IR) [per, e]
- Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, MUMS (IR)
- Mofid University (IR) [per, e]
- Sadjad University of Technology
- Semnan University (IR) [per]
- Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman (IR)
- Shahid Beheshti University, SBU
- Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Science and Health Services (IR) [per, e]
- Shahrood University of Technology (IR)
- Sharif University of Technology, Tehran (IR) [e, per]
- Shiraz University (IR) [per]
- Shiraz University of Medical Science (IR) [per, e]
- Tabriz University of Medical Sciences (IR) [per, e]
- Tarbiat Modares University ,TMU (IR) [e, per]
- Tehran University of Medical Sciences, TUMS (IR)
- University of Sistan & Baluchetan (IR) [per, e]
- University of Social Welfare Rehabilitation Sciences, USWR (IR) [e, per]
- University of Tabriz (IR) [per, e]
- University of Tehran (IR) [e, per]
- Yazd University (IR)Israel
- Al-Quds University (IL)
- Bar-Ilan University (IL) [he, e]
- Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (IL) [e, he]
- Bethlehem University (IL)
- Hebrew University of Jerusalem (IL) [he, e]
- Open University of Israel (IL) [he, e]
- Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (IL)
- . . . Department of Chemical Engineering, Wolfson Department of Chemical Engineering
- . . . Department of Chemistry, Schulich Faculty of Chemistry
- Tel Aviv University, TAU (IL) [he, e]
- University of Haifa (IL) [he, e]
- Weizmann Institute of Science (IL)
- . . . Faculty of Chemistry
- . . . Research Centers and InstitutesJordanien
- Al-Ahliyya Amman University (JO)
- Al-Balqa' Applied University (JO)
- Alzaytoonah University of Jordan (JO)
- Hashemite University (JO)
- Jordan University of Science and Technology, JUST (JO)
- Mutah University (JO)
- Philadelphia University (JO) [e, ar]
- Princess Sumaya University for Technology, PSUT (JO) [ar, e]
- University of Jordan, Amman (JO)
- University of Petra (JO) [ar, e]
- Yarmouk University (JO) [ar, e]Kambodscha
- Institute of Technology of Cambodia, Phnom Penh (KH)
- Royal University of Phnom Penh, RUPP (KH)Kasachstan
- Institute of Physics and Technology (KZ)
- Karaganda Buketov University (KZ) [ru, kaz, e]Katar
- University of Qatar (QA) [e, ar]
- American University, Central Asia, AUCA (KG)
- International University of Kyrgyzstan, IUK (KG)
- Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University (KG)
- Kyrgyz Technical University (KG)
- Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University (KG)Korea, Süd
- Ajou University (KR) [kr, e]
- Andong National University, ANU (KR) [kr, e]
- Anyang University, A.Y.U. (KR) [kr, e]
- Busan University of Foreign Studies (KR) [kr, e]
- Busan Women&s College (KR) [kr, e, cn]
- Catholic Kwandong University (KR) [kr, e]
- Catholic University of Daegu (KR) [kr, e]
- Catholic University of Korea (KR) [kr, e]
- Changwon National University (KR) [kr, e]
- Cheongju National University of Education, CNUE (KR) [kr, e]
- Cheongju University (KR) [kr, e]
- Cheju National University (KR) [kr, e]
- Chinju National University of Education (KR) [kr, e]
- Chonbuk National University, CBNU (KR) [kr, e]
- Chonnam National University, CNU (KR) [kr, e]
- Chosun University (KR) [kr, e]
- Chung-Ang University (KR) [k,r e]
- Chungbuk National University, CBNU (KR) [kr, e]
- Chungnam National University (KR) [kr, e]
- Daegu National University of Education (KR) [kr, e]
- Daegu University (KR) [kr, e, cn, jp]
- Dankook University (KR) [kr, e]
- Dong-eui University (KR) [kr, e]
- Dongduk Women's University (KR) [kr, e]
- Dongguk University (KR) [kr, e]
- Dongseo University (KR) [kr, e, cn, jp]
- Dongshin University, DSU [KR) [kr, e]
- Dongyang Mirae University (KR) [kr]
- Duksung Women's University (KR) [kr]
- Ewha Womans University (KR) [kr, e]
- Gachon University (KR) [kr, e]
- Gangneung-Wonju National University, ehemals: Kangnung University (KR) [kr, e]
- Gwangju National University of Education (KR) [kr]
- Gwangju University (KR) [kr]
- Gyeongsang National University, Staatliche Universität in Jinju (KR) [kr, e]
- Gyongju University (KR) [kr, e, cn, jp]
- Hallym Unversity (KR) [kr, e]
- Hanbat National University(KR) [kr]
- Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, HUFS (KR) [kr, e]
- Hannam University (KR) [kr]
- Hanseo University (KR) [kr, e]
- Hanshin University (KR) [kr, e]
- Hansung University (KR) [kr, e]
- Hanyang University (KR) [kr, e]
- Honam University (KR) [kr, e, cn]
- Hongik University (KR) [kr, e]
- Hoseo University (KR) [kr]
- Howon University (KR) [kr, e]
- Hyupsung University (KR) [kr]
- Incheon University (KR) [kr, e]
- Inha University (KR) [kr, e]
- Inje University (KR) [kr, e]
- Jeonju University (KR) [kr]
- Jeju National University (KR) [kr]
- Kangnam University (KR) [kr, e]
- Kangwon National University, KNU (KR) [kr, e]
- Kaya University (KR) [kr, e]
- Keimyung University (KR) [kr, e]
- Kongju National University (KR) [kr, e]
- Konkuk University (KR) [kr, e]
- Konyang University (KR) [kr, e, cn]
- Kookmin University (KR) [kr, e]
- Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, KAIST (KR) [kr, e]
- Korea Aerospace University (KR) [kr, e]
- Korea Maritime & Ocean University (KR) [kr, e]
- Korea National Open University, KNOU (KR) [kr, e]
- Korea National University of Education, KNUE (KR) [kr, e]
- Korea National University of Transprotation (KR) [kr, e]
- Kosin University (KR) [kr, e]
- Kumoh National Institute of Technology (KR) [kr, e]
- Kunsan National University, KNU (KR) [kr, e, cn]
- Kwangwoon University (KR) [kr, e]
- Kyonggi University (KR) [kr, e]
- Kyungil University (KR) [kr, e]
- Kyungnam University (KR) [kr, e]
- Kyungsung University (KR) [kr, e]
- Mokpo National Maritime University, MMU (KR) [kr, e]
- Mokpo National University (KR) [kr, e]
- Mokwon University (KR) [kr, e]
- Paichai University (KR) [kr, e]
- Pohang University of Science and Technology (KR) [kr, e]
- Pukyong National University (KR) [kr, e, jp]
- Pusan National University (KR) [kr, e]
- Sahmyook University> (KR) [kr, e]
- Sangji University (KR) [kr]
- Sangmyung University (KR) [kr]
- Sejong University (KR) [kr, e]
- Semyung University (KR) [kr]
- Seokyeong University (KR) [kr, e]
- Seoul University (KR) [kr]
- Seoul National University, SNU (KR) [kr, e]
- Seoul National University of Education (KR) [kr, e]
- Seoul Teological University (KR) [kr, e]
- Seoul Women's University (KR) [kr, e]
- Seowon University (KR) [kr, e]
- Silla University (KR) [kr, e, cn]
- Sogang University (KR) [kr, e]
- Sookmyung Women's University (KR) [kr, e, jp]
- Soongsil University (KR) [kr, e]
- Sungkyul University (KR) [kr, e]
- Sungkyunkwan University, SKKU (KR) [kr, e, cn]
- Sungshin Women´s University (KR) [kr, e]
- Sun Moon University (KR) [kr, e, cn, jp]
- Suwon University (KR) [kr, e, cn]
- Tongmyong University (KR) [kr, e]
- University of Ulsan (KR) [kr, e]
- Wonkwang University (KR) [kr, e]
- Woosuk University (KR) [kr]
- Yeungnam University (KR) [kr, e]
- Yonsei University (KR) [kr, e]Kuwait
- Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, KISR (KW)
- Kuwait University (KW)Laos
- National University of Laos (LA)
- American University of Beirut, AUB (LB)
- Antonine University (LB) [e, f]
- Beirut Arab University (LB) [e, ar]
- Haigazian University, Beirut (LB)
- Islamic University of Lebanon, IUL (LB) [ar, e, f]
- Jinan University (LB) [ar, e, f]
- Lebanese American University, LAU (LB)
- MUC University, College of Technology (LB)
- Notre Dame University, NDU (LB)
- Saint-Joseph University, SDJ (LB) [f, e]
- Université Libanaise, Lebanese University (LB) [f]
- University of Balamand, UOB (LB)
- University of Kaslik, USEK (LB) [f, e]Macau
- City University of Macau (MO) [e, cn]
- Macao Polytechnic Institute (MO) [e, cn, port.]
- University of Macau (MO) - University of Saint Joseph (MO)
- International Islamic University Malaysia, IIUM (MY) [e, ar]
- Multimedia University, MMU (MY)
- Universiti Industri Selangor, UNISEL (MY)
- Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, UKM (MY) [malay, e]
- Universiti Kuala Lumpur, UniKL (MY) [malay, e]
- Universiti Malaysia Sabah, UMS (MY) [e, cn, malay]
- Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, UNIMAS (MY)
- Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (MY) [malay]
- Universiti Putra Malaysia, UPM (MY) [malay, e]
- Universiti Sains Malaysia, USM (MY) [malay, ar, e]
- Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, UTM (MY)
- Universiti Teknologi Mara, UiTM (MY)
- Universiti Tenaga Nasional, UNITEN (MY)
- Universiti Tun Abdul Razak, UNIRAZAK (MY)
- Universiti Utara Malaysia, UUM (MY) [malay, e]
- University Malaya, Kuala Lumpur (MY)Mongolei
- National University of Mongolia, NUM (MN)
- Kathmandu University (NP)
- Tribhuvan University, TU (NP)Oman
- Sultan Qaboos University, SQU (OM)
- Aga Khan University, AKU (PK)
- Agricultural University Peshawar, AUP (PK)
- Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, BZU (PK)
- Bahria University Islamabad (PK)
- Baqai Medical University (PK)
- CECOS University (PK)
- Foundation University Islamabad, FUI, FUMICS (PK)
- Government College University, Lahore; GC University, GCU (PK)
- Institute of Space Technology, IST (PK)
- International Center for Chemical Sciences, ICCS (PK)
- International Islamic University, Islamabad, IIU, IIUI (PK)
- IQRA University, Karachi (PK)
- Isra University (PK)
- Jinnah University for Women (PK)
- Lahore University of Management Sciences, LUMS (PK)
- Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences (PK)
- Mehran University of Engineering & Technology (PK)
- Mohammad Ali Jinnah University, M.A.J.U., Islamabad (PK)
- Mohammad Ali Jinnah University, Karachi (PK)
- National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences (PK)
- National University of Sciences and Technology, NUST (PK)
- NED University of Engineering & Technology (PK)
- PAF-KIET - PAF-Karachi Institute of Economics & Technology (PK)
- Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences, PIEAS (PK)
- Preston University Pakistan (PK)
- Quaid-i-Azam University, QAU (PK)
- Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science & Technology, SZABIST (PK)
- Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology (PK)
- Textile Institute of Pakistan, Karachi, Sindh (PK)
- University of Agriculture, Faisalabad (PK)
- University of Engineering & Technology Lahore, UET (PK)
- University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila; UET Taxila (PK)
- University of Faisalabad (PK)
- University of Karachi (PK)
- University of Peshawar, UOP (PK)
- University of Sargodha, UOS (PK)
- University of Sindh (PK)
- University of Central Punjab, UCP (PK)
- Usman Institute of Technology, UIT (PK)
- Virtual University of Pakistab, Lahore, VU (PK)Palästina, Palestine
- Al-Quds University; The Arab University in Jerusalem
- Arab American University, AAUJ
- Birzeit University
- Palestine Polytechnic University, PPU, HebronPhilippines
- Adamson University (PH)
- Angeles University Foundation, Angeles City (PH)
- Arellano University (PH)
- Ateneo de Davao University, ADDU (PH)
- Ateneo de Manila University, ADMU (PH)
- Ateneo de Naga University, AdNU (PH)
- Ateneo de Zamboanga University, ADZU, (PH)
- Benguet State University, BSU (PH)
- Bicol University, Legazpi City (PH)
- Central Luzon State University (PH)
- Central Philippine University, CPU (PH)
- Centro Escolar University, CEU (PH)
- De La Salle University, Manila, DLSU (PH)
- Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University, DMMMSU (PH)
- Far Eastern University, Manila, FEU (PH)
- Holy Angel University (PH)
- Iligan Institute of Technology (PH)
- Liceo de Cagayan University, LDCU (PH)
- Manuel L. Quezon University, MLQU, Manila (PH)
- Manuel S. Enverga University (PH)
- Mapua University, Manila (PH)
- Mindanao State University, Iligan Institute of Technology (PH)
- Misamis University (PH)
- Northwestern University, NWU, Laoag City (PH)
- Notre Dame of Marbel University, NDMU (PH)
- Philippine Christian University, Manila (PH)
- Polytechnic University of the Philippines, PUP (PH)
- Saint Louis University, Baguio City, SLU (PH)
- Saint Mary's University, Bayombong (PH)
- Saint Paul University, SPUP (PH)
- Silliman University, Dumaguete City, SU (PH)
- Technological University of the Philippines, TUP (PH)
- University of Baguio (PH)
- University of Batangas, BU (PH)
- University of Cebu (PH)
- University of Manila (PH)
- University of Mindanao (PH)
- University of Pangasinan (PH)
- University of Perpetual Help Rizal (PH)
- University of San Agustin, USA [PH)
- University of San Carlos, Cebu City (PH)
- University of San Jose-Recoletos, USJ-R (PH)
- University of Santo Tomas-Legazpi (PH)
- University of Southern Mindanao, USM (PH)
- University of the East (PH)
- University of the Philippines Diliman, UPD (PH)
- University of the Philippines, Manila (PH)
- University of the Philippines Open University, UPOU (PH)
- Western Mindanao State University, WMSU (PH)
- Xavier University - Ateneo de Cagayan, XU (PH)Saudi Arabien
- Islamic University of Medinah (SA) [ar]
- King Abdulaziz University, KAAU (SA) [e, ar]
. . . Faculty of Engineering
. . . Department of Biochemistry
. . . Department of Chemistry
. . . Faculty of Earth Sciences, FES
. . . Faculty of Pharmacy [ar]
- King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, KFUPM (SA) [e, ar]
- King Faisal University (SA) [ar]
- King Khalid University (SA) [ar, e]
- King Saud University, SAU (SA) [ar, e]
- Umm Al-Qura University (SA) [ar, e]Singapur
- Nanyang Technological University, NTU (SG)
- National University of Singapore, NUS (SG) [e, cn]
- Singapore Management University, SMU (SG)Sri Lanka
- Institute of Higher National Diploma in Engineering, HNDE (LK)
- University of Peradeniya (LK)Syrien
- Damascus University (SY) [e, f, sy]
- Kalamon Unversity (SY) [sy, e]
- University of Aleppo (SY) [sy, e]Süd-Korea
- siehe unter Korea, Süd
- Central Police University, CPU (TW) [cn, e, jp]
- Chang Gung University, CGU (TW) [cn, e]
- Chang-Jung Christian University (TW) [cn, e]
- Chaoyang University of Technology, CYUT (TW) [cn, e]
- Chinese Culture University (TW) [cn, d, e, f, jp]
- Chung Cheng Institute of Technology, CCIT (TW) [cn, e]
- Chung Hua University, CHU (TW) [cn, e]
- Chung Yuan Christian University (TW) [cn, e]
- Da-Yeh University, DYU (TW) [cn, e]
- Feng Chia University, FCU (TW) [cn, e]
- Fu Jen Catholic University, FJU (TW) [cn, d, e, es, f, it]
- Huafan University (TW) [cn]
- I-Shou University, ISU (TW) [cn, e]
- Ming Chuan University, MCU (TW) [cn, e, kr]
- Nanhua University (TW) [cn]
- National Central University, NCU (TW) [cn, e]
- National Changhua University of Education, NCUE (TW) [cn, e]
- National Cheng Kung University, NCKU (TW) [cn, e]
- National Chengchi University, NCCU (TW) [e, cn]
- National Chi Nan University (TW) [cn, e]
- National Chiao Tung University (TW) [cn, e]
- National Chung Cheng University, CCU (TW) [cn, e]
- National Chung Hsing University (TW) [cn, e]
- National Dong Hwa University (TW) [cn, e]
- National Kaohsiung Normal University (TW) [cn, e]
- National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology (TW) [cn, e]
- National Open University, NOU (TW) [cn, e]
- National Taichung University of Science and Technology (TW) [cn]
- National Taipei University of Technology, NTUT (TW) [cn, e]
- National Taiwan Normal University, NTNU (TW) [cn, e]
- National Taiwan Ocean University, NTOU (TW) [cn, e]
- National Taiwan University, NTU (TW) [cn, e]
- National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, NTUST (TW) [cn, e]
- National Tsing Hua University (TW) [cn, e]
- National University of Kaohsiung (TW) [cn, e]
- National University of Tainan (TW) [cn, e]
- National Yang Ming University (TW) [cn, e]
- National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, NYUST, YUNTECH (TW) [cn, e]
- Open University of Kaohsiung, OUK (TW) [cn, e]
- Oriental Institute of Technology, OIT (TW) [cn, e]
- Overseas Chinese Institute of Technology, OCIT (TW) [cn, e]
- Providence University (TW) [cn, e]
- Shih Chien University, USC Taipei (TW) [cn, e]
- Shih Hsin University (TW) [cn, e]
- Soochow University (TW) [cn, e]
- Southern Taiwan University of Technology, STUST (TW) [cn, e]
- Tamkang University (TW) [cn, e, d, f, ...]
- Tunghai University, THU (TW) [cn, e]
- Tzu Chi University, TCU (TW) [cn, e]
- Yuan Ze University, YZU (TW) [cn, e]Thailand
- Asian Institute of Technology, AIT (TH)
- Asian University (of Science and Technology), aufgelöst 2017
- Assumption University (TH)
- Bangkok University (TH) [th, e]
- Burapha University (TH) [th, e]
- Buriram Rajabhat University (TH) [th]
- Chiang Mai Rajabhat University, CMRU (TH) [th]
- Chiang Mai University (TH) [th, e]
- Chiang Rai Rajabhat University, CRRU (TH) [th]
- Chulalongkorn University (TH) [th, e]
- Dhurakijpundit University, DPU (TH) [th, e]
- Huachiew Chalermprakiet University, HCU (TH) [th, e]
- Kasetsart University, KU (TH) [th, e]
- Khon Kaen University, KKU (TH) [th, e]
- King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, KMITL (TH) [th, e]
- King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, KMUTT (TH) [th, e]
- Krirk University (TH) [th]
- Lampang Rajabhat University (TH) [th]
- Loei Rajabhat University, LRU (TH) [th]
- Maejo University, Chiang Mai, MJU (TH) [th, e]
- Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, MCU (TH) [th, e]
- Mahanakorn University of Technology, Bangkok, MUT (TH) [th, e]
- Mahasarakham University, MSU (TH) [th, e]
- Mahidol University (TH) [e, th]
- Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University (TH) [th]
- Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University (TH) [th]
- Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University (TH) [th, e]
- Nakhon Si Thammarat Rajabhat University (TH) [th]
- Naresuan University (TH) [th, e, f]
- National Institute of Development Administration, NIDA (TH) [th, e]
- North Eastern University, NEU (TH) [th, e]
- Payap University, PYU (TH) [th]
- Phuket Rajabhat University (TH) [th, e]
- Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University (TH) [th]
- Prince of Songkla University, PSU (TH) [cn, e, th]
- Rajabhat Chandrakasem University (TH) [th]
- Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University, RRU (TH) [th]
- Ramkhamhaeng University (TH) [th, e]
- Rangsit University, RSU (TH) [th, e]
- Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University (TH) [th, e]
- Shinawatra University (TH)
- Siam University (TH) [e, th]
- Silpakorn University, SU (TH) [th, (e)]
- Songkhla Rajabhat University (TH) [th]
- South-East Asia University, SAU (TH) [th]
- Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok, SWU (TH) [th, e]
- Sripatum University, Bangkhen, SPU (TH) [th, e]
- Suan Dusit Rajabhat University (TH) [th, e]
- Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University (TH) [th]
- Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, STOU (TH) [th, e]
- Suranaree University of Technology, SUT (TH) [th, e]
- Surindra Rajabhat University (TH) [th]
- Thaksin University (TH) [th]
- Thammasat University (TH) [th, e]
- Ubon Rajathanee University (TH) [th]
- Udon Thani Rajabhat University (TH) [th, e]
- University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, UTCC (TH) [th, e]
- Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University (TH) [th, e]
- Vongchavalitkul University, Nakhonratchasima (TH) [th]
- Walailak University, Nakhonsithammarat (TH) [th, e]
- Western University (TH) [th]
- Tibet University [cn, e]
- International Turkmen Turkish University, ITTU - geschlossen (TM) - Turkmen State University (Magtymguly adyndaky Türkmen döwlet uniwersiteti)
- Yagshygeldi Kakayev International Oil and Gas University, YKIOGU
- Andijan State University, ASU
- Bukhara State University
- Inha University, Tashkent
- National University of Uzbekistan, NUU (UZ)
- Sharda University
- Samarkand State University, Samarqand Davlat Universiteti SamSU
- Tashkent State Technical University, TSTU
- TEAM University, Tashkent
- Turin Polytechnic University, TashkentVereinigte Arabische Emirate
- Ajman University (AE)
- Al Ghurair University, AGU (AE)
- American University of Sharjah, AUS (AE)
- Higher Colleges of Technology, HCT (AE)
- United Arab Emirates University, UAEU (AE)
- University of Dubai (AE)
- University of Sharjah (AE)
- University of Wollongong in Dubai, UOWD (AE)
- Zayed University (AE)Vietnam
- Can Tho University (VN) [vn, e]
- Hanoi Medical University, HMU (VN) [vn, e]
- Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, HUMG (VN) [vn, e]
- Hanoi University of Science (VN) [vn, e]
- Hanoi University of Science Technology, HUST (VN) [vn, e]
- Hue University (VN) [vn, e]
- National Economics University, NEU (VN) [vn, e]
- Thuyloi University
- University of Danang, UD (VN) [vn, e]
- Vietnam National University - Ho Chi Minh City (VN) [vn, e]Yemen
- Hadhramout University (YE) [ar, e]
- Hodeidah University
- Ibb University
- Sanaa University (YE) [ar, e]
- Taiz University
- Thamar University
Letzte Änderung am 08. April 2021.
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