Eine Elektronenmikroskop ist eine spezielle Art von Mikroskop, das mit Hilfe von Elektronen Oberflächen und Strukturen der untersuchenden Objekte vergrößert darstellt. Man unterscheidet zwischen Rasterelektronenmikroskopen und Transmissionselektronenmikroskop (siehe auch Elektronentomographie).
Die nachfolgende Liste enthält eine Übersicht mit Herstellern und Bezugsquellen für Elektronenmikroskope, Komponenten und Zubehör.
Inhalt, Gliederung
Internationale Hersteller und Anbieter
Aspex Corporation
... is the leading provider of seamlessly integrated, microanalysis solutions for a wide range of production environments incorporating scanning electron microscopes (SEM) and elemental analysis technologies - [e]
FEI Company
... is the world leader in electron optics and focused ion beam technologies - [e]
FIB; SEM; Tabletop Microscopes; PCI Data Management System; Transmission Electron Microscopes; Standard and Variable Pressure SEM; Field Emission SEM; Focused Ion Beam System - [e]
... is a leading supplier of scanning electron microscopes (SEMs), transmission electron microscopes (TEMs), scanning probe microscopes (SPMs), mass spectrometers, NMR spectrometers, and semiconductor tools for scientific and industrial purposes - [e]
Extensive know-how, accumulated over six decades, includes e-beam, ion-beam and transmission electron technology - [e]
Bosch Rexroth Gruppe
Positionierungsplattform für Elektronenmikroskope - [d]
Omicron NanoTechnology GmbH
In-situ combination of STM, SEM and SAM for high resolution structural and chemical analysis creates a superior research tool - [e]
Staib Instruments GmbH
Photo electron emission microscope, PEEM; Ion induced electron emission microscope, IEEM - [e]
RJ Lee Group
RJLG is an organization of experts who provide the highest quality analytical and consulting services to our clients and partners. The services are based on the highest level of expertise in microscopy, analytical instrumentation and software development - [e]
Lambda Photometrics
The Phenom™ Desktop SEM is a high-resolution electron microscope that is fast, affordable, and easy to use. Its innovative touch-screen user interface and control knob let you quickly produce high-quality electron microscope images with minimal training - [e]
Ted Pella, Inc.
Electron microscopy supplies and instruments - [e]
Obducat AB
... offers scanning electron microscopes for metrology purposes - [e]
Aktualisiert am 13.11.2017.
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