Ionische Flüssigkeiten sind Substanzen, die ausschließlich Ionen enthalten; sie sind unter anderem aus ökologischen Gründen als Alternativen für Lösemittel attraktiv.
Verzeichnis mit Herstellern und Lieferanten von Ionische Flüssigkeiten sowie Vorprodukten zur Herstellung von Ionischen Flüssigkeiten. Weitere Anbieter finden Sie in der Kategorie Chemikalien.
Inhalt, Gliederung
Internationale Hersteller und Anbieter
... offers easy access to a broad range of products (BasionicsTM and CellionicTM) with a great variety of properties - [d, e]
BASF has developed the Basionics portfolio of Ionic Liquids offering a variety of properties. Imidazolium salts are a main focus in this product line. All products are available from lab scale to industrial scale - [e]
EMD Chemicals / Merck
Ionic Liquids - Anions and Cations - [e]
Merck Chemicals
Ionic liquids / anions / cations - [e, …]
... offers a market-leading range of ammonium, imidazolium-, phosphonium-, pyridinium-, pyrrolidinium-, and sulfonium-based ionic liquids - [e]
Ionische Flüssigkeiten für den Einsatz in Labor und Technikum - [d]
ILCO Chemikalien GmbH
Produkte und Produktentwicklung - [d]
Produktion und Vermarktung von ionischen Flüssigkeiten - [d]
Ionische Flüssigkeiten / Anionen / Kationen - [d, …]
Solvent Innovation GmbH
Ionic Liquids, Kits - [e]
Ionic Liquid Chemicals LLC
Ionic Liquid Chemicals LLC develops and commercializes ammonium, imidazolium, and phosphonium ionic liquids and their intermediates, with an emphasis on scales from kilogram to metric-tons. Ionic Liquid Chemicals LLC is positioned to be your one stop partner for developing ionic liquid chemicals! Contact us today! You will be delighted with our affordable price, impeccable quality and reliable delivery! - [e]
NanoTechLabs, Inc.
... is a supplier of quality nanotechnology products to a growing number of research institutions and manufacturers around the world - [e]
Strem Chemicals, Inc.
Ionic liquids - [e]
TCI America
Imidazolium Salts; Pyrrolidinium Salts; Pyridinium Salts; Ammonium, Phosphonium, Sulfonium Salts - [e]
Neue Technologien auf Basis Ionischer Flüssigkeiten - [d, e]
Solaronix SA
Ionic liquids for solar cell operation; imidazolium iodides and other imidazoliums - [e]
... is a start-up company developing specialized chemistry in the field of ionic liquids. Solvionic produces ionic liquids and develops their applications in the fields of catalysis, surface preparation and energy storage - [e]
Literaturempfehlungen und Bücher: Ionische Flüssigkeiten
Peter Wasserscheid, Thomas Welton
Synthetic chemistry has been dominated by reactions in volatile solvents for a long time. Since some of these eventually happened to be toxic or otherwise environmentally damaging, the introduction of cleaner technologies has become a major concern in synthetic chemistry. Chemical synthesis in ionic liquids holds the advantage of often being more efficient, thus lowering the amount of raw materials used and and reducing pollution, not to mention cost reduction. In addition, both processing and handling can be much simpler than before.
The second, completely revised and extended edition of what has become the standard reference work in this fascinating and fast-growing field brings together the latest developments (industrial processes are already established, and ionic liquids are now commercially available), supplemented by numerous practical tips. The editors are two well-known pioneers in the field and authors of a large number of high level publications, providing those working in both research and industry with an indispensable source of first-handed information.
Wiley-VCH; 2007
Rasmus Fehrmann, Anders Riisager, Marco Haumann
Supported Ionic Liquids: Fundamentals and Applications
This first book on this very hot topic introduces supported ionic liquid phase (SILP) materials and the fundamentals, covering ionic liquids, porous supports, syntheses and characterization. The main part covers various applications, e.g. catalytic production of bulk chemicals, fine chemicals, environmental processes, biotechnology, energy production and gas separation. In each case, the most pertinent authors available describe here the underlying research. A final section of concluding remarks discusses the perspectives and outlook.
Wiley-VCH; 2014
Aktualisiert am 13.11.2017.
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