Die Laborautomation bzw. Laborautomatisierung ist ein Bereich der Automatisierungstechnik, der sich mit dem selbständigen, technischen, weitgehend von menschlichen Eingriffen unabhängigen Betrieb von Arbeiten und Prozessen in chemischen, pharmazeutischen, biologischen, medizinischen etc. Laboratorien beschäftigt und entprechende Systeme zur Verfügung stellt.
Die Automatisierungssysteme können hierbei eine Vielzahl unterschiedlichster Laborarbeiten vollziehen, wie zum Beispiel Messungen, Auswertungen, EDV-technische Aufarbeitung und Darstellung der Messwerte, Steuerung von Anlagen, Geräten und einzelnen Aktoren (Pumpen, Ventile, Sensoren) usw.
Das folgende Verzeichnis listet Herstellern und Anbietern von Geräten, Systemen und Software zur Automatisierung im Labor. Siehe auch: LIMS (Labor-Informations- und Management-Systeme).
Inhalt, Gliederung
Journale, Fachzeitschriften
Journal of Laboratory Automation
JALA is a multi-disciplinary, bimonthly international peer-reviewed journal devoted to the advancement of technology in the laboratory. Sage - [e]
Laborjournal online
Labor Fachzeitschrift. F & R - [d]
Artikel und Berichte
Developing an Automation Concept That Is Right for Your Laboratory
Article, full text. Clinical Chemistry. Clinical Chemistry. 2000; 46: 757-763 - [e]
Development of Standards for Laboratory Automation
Article, full text. Clinical Chemistry. Clinical Chemistry. 2000; 46: 746-750 - [e]
Laboratory Automation and Optimization: The Role of Architecture
Article, full text. Clinical Chemistry. Clinical Chemistry. 2000; 46: 784-791 - [e]
Laboratory Automation: Smart Strategies and Practical Applications
Article, full text. Clinical Chemistry. Clinical Chemistry. 2000; 46: 740-745 - [e]
Laboratory Automation: Trajectory, Technology, and Tactics
Article, full text. Clinical Chemistry. 2000;46:764-771 - [e]
The Role of Total Laboratory Automation in a Consolidated Laboratory Network
Article, full text. Clinical Chemistry. Clinical Chemistry. 2000; 46: 751-756 - [e]
Organisationen, Verbände
Association for Laboratory Automation - ALA
The only international organization devoted exclusively to the unique professional specialty known as laboratory automation - [e]
... is an international community of more than 15,000 individual scientists, engineers, researchers, technologists and others from academic, government and commercial laboratories - [e]
Internationale Hersteller und Anbieter
Beckman Coulter
Complete range of automation and information systems to help you streamline processes for maximum efficiency - [e]
... innovative, cost-effective systems for medical diagnoses and analyses integrate routine clinical chemistry, hematology, immunodiagnostics, and laboratory automation - [e]
Thermo Fisher Scientific
... supplies highly flexible, modular drug discovery platforms that automate virtually any assay, method, or protocol - [e]
Avior systems GmbH
... entwickelt, fertigt und betreut innovative Laborautomationssysteme für individuelle Applikationen aus den Bereichen Life Science, Analytik, Qualitätskontrolle, kombinatorische Chemie, Gefahrstoffhandling und Bioprozesstechnik - [d, e]
Awite Bioenergie GbR Martin Grepmeier & Ernst Murnleitner
Automatisierungen zur Vernetzung dezentraler Anlagenkomponenten, Fernwartung, Energie-/Last-Management, Integration der Gasanalysesysteme, Visualisierung - [d]
Eckelmann AG
... entwickelt und realisiert als erfahrener Systemintegrator automatisierungstechnische Lösungen für das moderne Labor - [d, e, f]
GMR Gross-Mess-Regeltechnik Technik für Durchfluss Druck Temperatur
GMR liefert Sensoren und baut kleine Anlagen für Analytik, Bioreaktoren, Maschinenbau, Öl und Wasserüberwachung, Kühlung mit Sensoren für Durchfluss, Druck, Temperatur, Niveau, Messung, Flowmeter, Drucksensor - [d]
Heinrich Systemintegration
Naturwissenschafliche Software für Automationszwecke und allgemeine Laboranwendung: pH-Berechnung, Chromatographie, Gerätesteuerung, Fraktionierung, Elektrophorese, Datenbanken, 21CFR11, GLP, GMP, LifeSciences - Heinrich Systemintegration - [d, e]
HiTec Zang GmbH
Laborgeräte und Laborautomatisierungssysteme für das chemische, pharmazeutische, biotechnische und lebensmitteltechnische Labor - [d, e]
Imcor GmbH
Analysen, Konzepte, Systemauswahl zu LIMS und Qualitätssicherung und Validierung - [d, e]
Martin Winter Lab Automation Network
Experten-Netzwerk für Laborautomation: martin winter lab automation network stellt den Kontakt zwischen Anwendern und führenden Spezialisten und Lösungsanbietern in der Laborautomation her - zugeschnitten auf die speziellen Fragestellungen der Anwender - [e]
Schmidt und Haensch GmbH & Co.
Geräte für die Laborautomatisierung - [d, e]
Schunk GmbH & Co. KG
Laborroboter - [d, e]
AB Controls, Inc.
... is a provider of creative products and services for the Laboratory Automation, Medical Devices, Robotics and Automated Test Equipment markets - [e]
Accelerated Technology Laboratories, Inc.
ATL is a leader in Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) - [e]
Blaze Systems Corporation
... is a leading supplier of total LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System) solutions which improve performance and business effectiveness across a wide variety of laboratory functions and industries - [e]
Hudson Robotics, Inc.
... offers effective and economical laboratory automation systems that integrate with all manufacturers' liquid handlers, plate washers, plate readers, plate sealers, etc. - [e]
Innomech Ltd.
Manufacturing, Production and Laboratory Automation Specialists and Consultants - [e]
... providing innovative solutions to scientific,
technical and engineering problems - [e]
... provide precision laboratory equipment, consumables, consulting and service for reliable, accurate and cost-effective laboratory automation - [e]
A leading supplier for the chemical process development laboratory - [d, e]
... is a leader in the development, production and distribution of advanced automation and detection solutions for the world’s leading life science laboratories - [e]
... offers a range of automated specimen processors that is setting the standard in pre-analytical microbiology sample processing - [e]
... HTA is one of the leading Italian engineering and manufacturing company of equipments in the field of scientific instruments. We are currently focused on applications and solutions for analytical, clinical chemistry and life science automation. Our specialization is in robotic systems for managing sample from the preparation to the storage; among our most popular products: GC and HPLC samplers, preparative workstations. In addition, HTA offers engineering consultancy services for OEM customers. We operate in compliance to UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 Quality System - [e]
Literaturempfehlungen und Bücher: Laborautomation
John Rumble (Editor)
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
The CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 98th Edition is an update of a classic reference. The 98th Edition contains several new features including, but not limited to - a major update to the table of isotopes, the first major compilation of high quality data of protein-ligand binding thermodynamics, and an important new collection of NMR data critical for understanding outcomes of organic syntheses. Plus, twelve lists have been updated such as, the physical properties of organic compounds and the latest experimental values of bond dissociation energies. Building on the new feature first introduced in the 94th edition, four historical figures in science will be honored on the end plates.
Taylor & Francis; 98 edition; 2017
Aktualisiert am 14.11.2017.
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