Im allgemeinen ist ein Mikroskop ein optisches Instrument zur vergrößerten Abbildung kleiner Objekte. Je nach Anwendung und technischem Prinzip werden unterschiedliche Mikroskop-Arten unterschieden, zum Beispiel:
- Lichtmikroskope,
- Auflichtmikroskope,
- Stereomikroskope,
- Polarisationsmikroskope,
- Fluoreszenzmikroskope,
- Phasenkontrastmikroskope,
- Digitalmikroskope,
- Differentialinterferenzkontrastmikriskope,
- Reflexionskontrast-Mikroskope,
- Röntgenmikroskope,
- Strichmikroskope,
- Kathodolumineszenzmikroskope,
- Konfokalmikroskope und andere mehr.
Die nachfolgende Liste zeigt Hersteller von Mikroskopen und Zubehör für wissenschaftliche Anwendungen in Labor, Industrie, Forschung und Lehre. Der Bezug der Instrumente erfolgt entweder direkt über den Hersteller oder aber über den örtlichen Laborhandel.
Anbieter von Geräten zur Rastersondenmikroskopie finden Sie unter dem Stichwort Rastersondenmikroskope.
Inhalt, Gliederung
Internationale Hersteller und Anbieter
With its Optical Systems division the Jenoptik Group is one of the few manufacturers in the world to produce precision optics designed to meet the highest quality standards - [d, e]
Jeol Ltd.
... a leading supplier of scanning electron microscopes (SEMs), transmission electron microscopes (TEMs), scanning probe microscopes (SPMs), mass spectrometers, NMR spectrometers, and semiconductor tools for scientific and industrial purposes - [e]
Leica Microsystems
... is a leading global designer and producer of innovative high-tech precision optics systems for the analysis of microstructures - [e]
Nikon Instruments
... manufactures complete optical and digital systems with outstanding versatility, performance and productivity for any application - [e]
A leading manufacturer of professional opto-digital products, Olympus pioneers key technologies in the fields of imaging and voice products, endoscopy, microscopy, bioanalytics and diagnostics - [e]
Vision Engineering Ltd.
... is a leading-edge manufacturer of ergonomic stereo microscopes and non-contact measuring systems - [e]
Microscopes and image analysis, electron microscopes - [e]
Carl Zeiss AG
Hersteller von Mikroskopen für unterschiedlichste Anwendungen; Elektronenmikroskope - [d]
Helmut Hund GmbH
Industriemikroskope; Inverse Mikroskope; Kursmikroskope; Labormikroskope; Routinemikroskope; Stereomikroskope - [d, e]
... gehört mit der Sparte Optische Systeme zu den wenigen Herstellern weltweit, die Präzisionsoptiken für höchste Qualitätsansprüche fertigen - [d, e]
Krüss Optronic
Mikroskope für unterschiedlichste Anwendungen. Biologische Mikroskope, Stereomikroskope, Stereo Zoom Mikroskope, Invers-Mikroskope, Foto- und Videozubehör - [d, e, es]
Leica Mikrosysteme
Verschiedene Mikroskope und Anwendungsbereiche - [e]
... hat sich ganz auf die Optischen Methoden (Spektroskopie und Mikroskopie) sowie die anwendungsbezogenen Randgebiete spezialisiert - [d]
Accu-Scope Inc.
... is a leading manufacturer of microscopes and related accessories for education, life science, clinical, research and industrial applications - [e]
Craic Technologies
... products include UV and NIR microscopes, UV-visible-NIR microspectrophotometers, instruments to measure thin film thickness and colorimetry on the microscopic scale, Raman microspectrometers, automation solutions, traceable standards and more - [e]
... introduces the new Comprehensive Microscope series, a modern, modular microscope line with a built-in handle and power cord storage system, with 14 configuration possibilities - [e]
... offers a modular line of microscopes from the elementary level to fully extendable systems for laboratory and medical use - [e]
Mel Sobel Microscopes Ltd.
... has been a leader in the field of microscopy sales and service - [e]
Pixera Corporation
... is a global leader of microscopy cameras and software for telemedicine and biomedical use - [e]
Brunel Microscopes Ltd.
... has many years professional experience in all aspects of microscopy and specimen preparation - [e]
... develops, manufactures and sells systems for scanning ion conductance microscopy (SICM) - a new SPM technique, able to produce images of living cell membranes at a resolution fifty times better than achievable using a conventional optical microscope - [e]
Meiji Techno
Offering a comprehensive range of microscopes and accessories to meet the needs all types of laboratory - [e]
... was established in 1985 with the aim of supplying all aspects of microscopy - [e]
Microscopes Plus
... offers a wide range of well built, high quality, innovative, good value microscopes, cameras and other specialist equipment that allows you to choose, with confidence, tried and tested products ideal for your application - [e]
Solent Scientific Limited
More than 45 years practical experience of instrumentation within Spectroscopy, Chromatography and Microscopy Laboratories - [e]
Labkron Instruments
... is a leading manufacturer and exporters of Microscope, Laboratory Glassware, Laboratory Equipment, Scientific Instrument & Allied Product - [e]
Meiji Techno Co., Ltd.
... is the third-largest manufacturer of optical microscopes in Japan. - [e]
Scalar Corporation
Digital and USB microscopes - [jp, e]
Aktualisiert am 02.12.2017.
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