Umweltmonitoring bzw. Umweltbeobachtung umfasst die regelmässige und systematische Beobachtung ökologischer Parameter, hier mit Schwerpunkt auf naturwissenschaftliche Aspekte.
Liste mit Herstellern und Anbietern von Geräten, Komponenten und Systemen zur Umweltbeobachtung.
Inhalt, Gliederung
Internationale Hersteller und Anbieter
Thermo Scientific
Environmental monitoring and safety products
... is a developer and manufacturer of sensors, instruments, software, and data collection platforms for environmental water quality monitoring and testing
Biomerieux Deutschland
Mikrobiologisches Umgebungsmonitoring
Isodetect GmbH
Umweltmonitoring mit Isotopenanalysen
Meter Group
Ein Team aus Ingenieuren und Technikern entwickelt, plant und baut Messgeräte und Messanlagen für ökosystemare Studien
... has provided air monitoring services, including auditing, reporting, and maintenance since 1978
GEL Group, Inc.
Environmental consulting and monitoring
Hull & Associates
... provides permitting, design and environmental monitoring services required to maintain regulatory compliance for all media
Interactive Oceanographics
Environmental monitoring products, solutions and software
Pace Analytical
... provides analytical and environmental testing services, field sampling services, and on-site laboratory operations and management services for a variety of projects - regardless of scope or complexity
Enviro Technology Services plc
... is a world class supplier and leading UK exporter specialising in environmental monitoring instrumentation for air quality monitoring and industrial emissions applications
AES Active Environmental Solutions
... supplies a quality range of products from leading international manufacturers
... is an Australian owned company with more than 32 years experience in servicing, maintaining, designing, manufacturing, installing and commissioning ambient air and emission monitoring systems around the world
Literaturempfehlungen und Bücher: Umweltmonitoring C
Aktualisiert am 12.10.2021.
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