Liste von Einrichtungen der Europäischen Union, EU, mit naturwissenschaftlichem Bezug: Chemie, Physik, Umwelt, Biotechnologie, Nanotechnologie, Chemikalienpolitik etc..
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The main objective of EPRIS is to develop a comprehensive analysis of the structure and evolution of the European Pharmaceutical Regulation and Innovation Systems
Europaweites Netzwerk für industrielle Forschung und Entwicklung
European Intellectual Property Association
EIPA represents over 100 non-governmental and other not-for-profit organisations interested in protection the intellectual property of all europeans (EU) [e]
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The CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 88th Edition continues to offer the most authoritative, up-to-date data to scientists around the world. This edition contains NEW tables on Properties of Ionic Liquids, Solubilities of Hydrocarbons in Sea Water, Solubility of Organic Compounds in Superheated Water, and Nutritive Value of Foods. It also updates many tables including Critical Constants, Heats of Vaporization, Aqueous Solubility of Organic Compounds, Vapor Pressure of Mercury, Scientific Abbreviations and Symbols, and Bond Dissociation Energies. The 88th Edition also presents a new Foreword written by Dr. Harold Kroto, a 1996 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry. CRC 2007.