Molekulare Krebsforschung - Neueste Fachartikel der Fachverlage
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beruecksichtige naturwissenschaftliche Journale: |
Molecular Cancer - published by
BioMed Central -
... is ready to receive a wide range of manuscripts presenting original research and commentary in all areas of cancer-related science. |
Molecular Cancer Research - published by
The American Association for Cancer Research -
... publishes original, novel, and well-designed studies on the molecular and cellular aspects of cancer biology. Papers should represent significant new information gathered from basic research that has implications for cancer therapeutics in one of the following areas: Angiogenesis, Metastasis, and the Cellular Microenvironment; Cancer Genes and Genomics; Cell Cycle, Cell Death, and Senescence; DNA Damage and Cellular Stress Responses; Model Organisms; and Signaling and Regulation. |
Molecular Carcinogenesis - published by
Wiley Interscience -
... presents information describing investigations of molecular aspects of the mechanisms involved in chemical, physical, and viral (biological) carcinogenesis. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the structure, expression, or function of genes or gene products associated with normal growth and differentiation and alterations in neoplasia; characterization of genes or gene products expressed in preneoplastic or neoplastic cells; molecular studies that define a specific function of a tumor-associated protein or its effects on cellular function; virtually all research on molecular aspects of oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes, and their gene products; carcinogenesis studies in transgenic mice; and research on human tumor viruses. |
Aktuelle wissenschaftliche Fachartikel der
genannten Journale: |