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- Lipide - Med

- Naturstoffchemie

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Chemie und Biochemie der Lipide - Aktuelle Forschungsartikel renommierter Fachzeitschriften

Aktuelle Fachartikel zur Chemie und Biochemie der Lipide, sortiert nach Erscheinungsdatum.

Die Urheberrechte und Veroeffentlichungsrechte der in der nachfolgenden Liste aufgefuehrten Fachartikel liegen bei den jeweiligen Verlagen, die am Ende des jeweiligen Artikels als Quelle genannt werden. Diese sind auch fuer die Inhalte verantwortlich.

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Auf dieser Seite beruecksichtige naturwissenschaftliche Journale:

European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology - published by Wiley-Interscience -
... focusses on the scientific and geographical integration of a varied spectrum ranging from lipidomics, nutrition and health to analytics, biotechnology and process engineering as well as chemistry and physical chemistry.

Lipid Technology - published by Wiley-Interscience -
... provides customers with a monthly source of concise information on the critical developments and trends in the oilseeds, fats and oils industries; fats and oils markets; as well as lipids in science, technology, biotechnology, food, agriculture, nutrition and pharmaceuticals.

Lipids - published by Springer -
... focuses on publishing high-quality peer-reviewed papers and invited reviews in the general area of lipid research, including chemistry, biochemistry, clinical nutrition, and metabolism. In addition, Lipids publishes papers establishing novel methods for addressing research questions in the field of lipid research.

Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society - published by Springer -
JAOCS publishes original research articles, invited reviews, and letters to the editor that add significantly to the body of knowledge concerning the science and technology of fats, oils, oilseed proteins, and related materials.

Aktuelle wissenschaftliche Fachartikel der genannten Journale: