Nach der klassischen Definition ist ein Katalysator ein Stoff, der - ohne im Endprodukt der Reaktion aufzutreten - die Geschwindigkeit einer Reaktion verändert.
Katalysatoren können heterogen oder homogen sein, je nachdem, ob ein Katalysator in der gleichen Phase wie das Substrat vorliegt. Enzyme (Biokatalysatoren) werden als separate Gruppe gesehen.
Verzeichnis mit Herstellern und Lieferanten von chemischen Katalysatoren für unterschiedliche Einsatzgebiete in Labor, Forschung und Industrie weltweit.
Inhalt, Gliederung
Internationale Hersteller und Anbieter
Akzo Nobel: Polymerization Catalysts
A leading and globally active producer of custom-manufactured polymerization catalysts, and a supplier of transition metal specialty chemicals - [e]
Allied Resource Corporation
Technology provider and co-owner of the largest producer of specialty catalysts for the removal of Nox from flue gas from coal-fired power plants - [e]
High performance Catalysts for Chemicals - [e]
... produces catalysts, adsorbents and additives for industrial and consumer markets - [e]
Criterion Catalysts & Technologies
... is the world’s largest supplier of hydroprocessing catalysts, which includes catalysts for hydrotreating, hydrocracking, hydrogenation, isomerization and naphtha reforming - [e]
Evonik Degussa
Custom Design Catalysts Solution Partner - [e]
Johnson Matthey Catalysts
... is one of the world’s leading catalyst companies - [e]
Katec Catalysts
We are the worldwide leading supplier for Allmetal-Catalysts, which are mainly used in wire enamelling machines as well as in some other specific industrial areas - [d, e]
Süd Chemie AG
High-performance catalysts for the fuel cell and distributed hydrogen generation industries - [cn, d, e]
Wacker Chemie AG
Wacker catalysts are generally used as reaction accelerators. Platinum catalysts are used for addition-curing silicones and tin catalysts are used for condensation-curing silicones - [d, e]
Wirtz-Chemieprodukte GmbH
Nickel-, Copper- und Cobalt Catalysts - [d, e]
A&C Catalysts Inc.
... is a leading manufacturer and supplier of epoxy resins and curing agents - [e]
Albemarle Corporation
... supplies top performance catalysts, technologies and related services to the petroleum refining and chemical industries - [e]
Bio-Organic Catalyst, Inc.
A Bio-Organic Catalyst (BOC) is a broad spectrum, catalytic composition that significantly enhances the biological conversion abilities that naturally occur in nature - [e]
C&P Catalyst
... prepares lab catalysts, coils and coupons, for ASTM oxidation testing - [e]
Catalytic Combustion Corporation
Design and supply of catalytic oxidizers, thermal oxidizers and RTO’s - [e]
CRI Catalyst Company
... is dedicated to supplying the most efficient catalysts and associated services to customers throughout the world - [e]
Equilibrium Catalyst Inc.
ECI is the largest Equilibrium Fluid Cracking Catalyst (E-cat) buyer, reseller in the world - [e]
Materia: Catalysts for Change
... exploits innovative catalyst technologies to create value opportunities within the Life Sciences, Materials, and Chemical Manufacturing industries - [e]
Nease Performance Chemicals
Acid catalysts: sulfonic acids are widely used in industrial applications as diverse as esterfication, thermoset resins for paints and coatings, pharmaceuticals, and phenolic foam - [e]
NexTech Materials, Ltd.
A leading developer and manufacturer of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell and Fuel Processing components and materials - [e]
NSC Technology
Fuel Cell Catalysts; Golden Nano Materials - [e]
Occidental Petroleum Corporation
... offers a full range of patented catalyst products for VCM and EDC - [e]
STC Catalysts, Inc.
... has an exclusive license from NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC) to manufacture carbon monoxide (CO) oxidation catalysts for use in carbon dioxide (CO2) laser applications - [e]
Stratcor, Inc.
Vanadium Chemicals and Catalysts - [e]
Totalcat Group
Catalyst Products; Catalyst Recycling and Recovery; Catalyst Maintenance Services - [e]
Europäische Union
Haldor Topsoe A/S
... has a leading position in the world as catalyst supplier. The wide range of Topsoe catalysts is used in a variety of catalytic process units in following industries: Ammonia, Methanol, Hydrogen, Sulphuric Acid, Formaldehyde, Petrochemicals, Refining and Power Generation - [e]
Shanghai Leader Catalyst Co., Ltd.
... is specialized in the manufacturing a total of 12 catalysts of SCG and SLC series for PE production, which can be either classified in form into slurry catalysts and dry powder catalysts, or in composition into Mg-Ti series, Chrome series and composite series - [e, cn]
Filtra Catalysts and Chemicals Ltd.
Manufacturer of Speciality Catalysts for Fertilizer, Refinery & Petrochemical Industry - [e]
Toho Titanium Co., Ltd.
Propylene Polymerization Catalyst, THC Catalyst - [e, jp]
Novax Material & Technology Inc.
Nano Gold Catalyst - [e, cn]
Literaturempfehlungen und Bücher: Katalysatoren
Arno Behr
Die homogene Übergangsmetallkatalyse ist noch eine sehr junge Wissenschaft, hat aber bereits zahlreiche großindustrielle Anwendungen gefunden. Langkettige Olefine, Essigsäure, Adipodinitril und Aldehyde werden heute überwiegend homogen-katalytisch hergestellt. Die Stärke der homogenen Katalyse liegt aber insbesondere bei der Synthese von Pharma- und Feinchemikalien, wo wenige Syntheseschritte eine lange Anfolge von Stufenreaktionen überflüssig machen. Dieses Buch gibt einen kompakten Überblick über die Prinzipien und Reaktionsmöglichkeiten der Homogenkatalyse, verdeutlicht an ausgesuchten Einzelbeispielen. Studierende, Chemiker und Ingenieure können dieses Buch zum ausführlichen Studium oder als Nachschlagewerk nutzen.
Dieses Buch gibt einen kompakten Überblick über die Prinzipien und Reaktionsmöglichkeiten der Homogenkatalyse, verdeutlicht an ausgesuchten Einzelbeispielen. Studierende, Chemiker und Ingenieure können dieses Buch zum ausführlichen Studium oder als Nachschlagewerk nutzen.
Wiley-VCH; 2008
Aktualisiert am 13.11.2017.
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