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Literaturempfehlungen und Bücher: Chemikalienentsorgung
George Lunn, Eric B. Sansone
Destruction of Hazardous Chemicals in the Laboratory
The book describes practical procedures for the destruction of hazardous chemicals and biological agents in the laboratory in which they are used. The book is a continuation and expansion of "Destruction of Hazardous Chemicals in the Laboratory." It follows the same general approach as the first and second editions but includes a number of new chapters including one on using advanced oxidation techniques as a general means of degrading chemicals. All the monographs from the second edition are incorporated in this volume and are revised and extended as necessary. A number of new monographs describing procedures for the destruction of hazardous chemicals have also been added.
The destruction of many pharmaceuticals is also described in this book. This subject has become of increasing importance with recent reports of the detection of pharmaceuticals in the water supply. Finally a new addition is the chapter "General Methods for the Destruction of Hazardous Chemicals in the Laboratory." This chapter describes recent advanced oxidation methods that should be generally applicable to all organic compounds. The methods use commonly available laboratory equipment and reagents.
Wiley and Sons; 2012
Aktualisiert am 28. Juni 2024.
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