Principle of the nano-microscope for ultrafast
Image � by MPQ
Without deeper insight, the makers of colored
glass vases in ancient Rome or church windows in the middle ages have
already used the properties of metallic nanoparticles to their
advantage. The shiny red color was achieved by adding gold dust to the
glass melt. The origin of this effect is understood by specialists
today: nanoparticles, i.e. particles with extensions in the range from
a few to 100 nanometers - less than the wavelength of visible light
(ca. 400 - 800 nanometers) - consist of as little as a few thousand
atoms. If such a particle is exposed to visible light, the freely
moving conduction electrons are displaced by the light's electric
field. Since the structure is small, they are not moving very far, but
alternate being bunched on one side or the other. This way, the
electrons are moving collectively in synchronized coherent
oscillations. Such oscillations have particle character and are called
surface plasmons. The red color of ancient Roman vases and old church
windows is based on the absorption of part of the visible light by the
gold nanoparticles, which is converted into plasmons. Then the
residual light shines in the complementary colors.
"Plasmons create very high electromagnetic fields at the nanoparticle
and its direct environment. But how these fields are created and how
they decay is not understood in detail. The fastest dynamics of the
collective motions takes place in only a few hundred attoseconds (1
attosecond is a billionth of a billionth of a second) and belongs
therefore to the fastest processes in nature," explains Dr. Matthias
Kling, Junior Research Group leader at MPQ.
A new method to resolve the dynamics of plasmonic fields with the
highest temporal and spatial precision has been suggested by the
theoretical physicist Prof. Mark Stockman (Georgia State University at
Atlanta, Georgia, USA) together with experimental physicists from LMU
and MPQ in Germany. In their model (see figure), the scientists
simulated a geometric assembly of silver nanoparticles on a surface,
which are then excited by an (extremely short) few femtosecond pulse
(a femtosecond is a millionth of a billionth of a second). The
interaction with the light-pulse - consisting of only a few
oscillation periods - leads to the formation of plasmonic fields,
whose amplitudes and frequencies (between the near infrared and near
ultraviolet) depend on the size, shape, and environment of the
nanoparticles. The plasmon dynamics is probed by a 170 attosecond,
extreme ultraviolet laser pulse incident on the nanosystem that is
synchronized with the excitation pulse and releases electrons. The
plasmonic fields are monitored by the energy and spatial distribution
of these so called photoelectrons as they were - prior to their
detection - accelerated by these fields.
"In our suggested approach we combine two techniques, which are by
themselves already state-of-the-art: the photoemission electron
microscope, also called PEEM, and the attosecond streak camera,"
explains Prof. Ulf Kleineberg from LMU. "This way we obtain a spatial
resolution, which is on the order of the dimension of the
nanoparticles between a few ten to hundred nanometers, and achieve
simultaneously - due to the use of attosecond light flashes -- the
extremely high time resolution in the attosecond domain. The
measurement principle lays the foundation to measure the formation and
temporal evolution of these fields and to control them by specifically
shaped laser pulses in the future."
Generally the nanoplasmonic ultramicroscope would allow for the first
direct observation of ultrafast processes in nanosystems, such as the
conversion of sunlight into electrical energy. The authors see future
applications of the technique particularly in the development of novel
devices, in which localized nanoplasmonic fields replace electrons in
conventional electronics, i.e. are used for information transfer,
processing, and storage. "The advantage would be that plasmons in
these nanosystems allow for information processing and transfer at
much higher frequencies (ca. 100,000 times) as compared to electrons
in solid state systems. This way, extremely fast optoelectronic and
optical devices for computations and information processing may be
realized." [O.M.]