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Island: Naturwissenschaftliche Institutionen und Organisationen; Forschung


Liste mit naturwissenschaftlich relevanten Einrichtungen in Island: Universitäten, Forschung und andere akademische Institutionen, Behörden, Industrieverbände.

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[Uni] [Inst] [Soc] [Min]


Universitäten / Hochschulen

Bifröst University
... is a private, non-profit institution, set on a rural campus outside Iceland's capital city of Reykjavík

Hólar University College
Equine Science; Aquaculture and Fish Biology;

Iceland University of Education
...is the leader in teacher education in Iceland

School for Renewable Energy Science

Reykjavik University
School of Health and Education, School of Computer Science, School of Science and Engineering

University of Akureyri
The university has built a reputation for academic excellence and good industrial relations

University of Iceland
... is a vibrant community where most academic disciplines are pursued, closely linked with the professional sector and Icelandic society in general

[Uni] [Inst] [Soc] [Min]


Nationale Forschungseinrichtungen, Forschungsinstitute

Icelandic Food Research
... offers various services for the food industry in Iceland and abroad

Icelandic Institute of Natural History
... is a public institution and comes under the Ministry for the Environment

Marine Research Institute
MRI conducts various marine research and provides the Ministry with scientific advice based on its research on marine resources and the environment

Nordic Volcanological Institute
Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland. Nordvulk’s activities include both a basic research program, as well as a training program for young scientists

[Uni] [Inst] [Soc] [Min]


Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaften

Federation of Icelandic Industries

Geological Society of Iceland
The object of the society is to promote geological research in Iceland

[Uni] [Inst] [Soc] [Min]


Nationale Behörden und Ministerien

Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority

Icelandic Patent Office
... is a public institution under the auspices of the Minister of Industry

Ministry for the Environment
... formulates and enforces the Icelandic government policy for environmental affairs

Ministry of Industry Energy and Tourism
Industrial matters, industrial development and innovation

Statistics Iceland
... is the National Statistical Institute of Iceland

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Island: Naturwissenschaftliche Institutionen und Organisationen; Forschung
Island, Chemie, Naturwissenschaften, isländische, Universitäten, akademische, naturwissenschaftliche, Institutionen, Organisationen, Forschung, Behörden, Industrie
07.11.2010 00:00:00 [Überprüfung der Links]
25.04.2011 [Änderung der Seite]

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