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Spanien: Naturwissenschaftliche Institutionen und Organisationen; Forschung


Liste mit naturwissenschaftlich relevanten Einrichtungen in Spanien: Universitäten, Forschung und andere akademische Institutionen, Behörden, Industrieverbände.

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[Che] [Uni] [Inst] [Soc] [Ind]


Chemiespezifische Einrichtungen

Faculties of Chemistry
... in Spain. List - [es]

Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia
ICIQ conceived with the aim of becoming a reference centre for Chemistry within the European Research Area, is the research institute that provides the talent and leadership needed to improve citizens' quality of life through the application of chemistry at the frontiers of knowledge. Tarragona - [e, es, catalan]

Institute of Physical Chemistry 'Rocasolano'
Instituto de Química-Física 'Rocasolano' IQFR. Madrid - [es]

Research goups of special interest
... in Spain. List - [es]

[Che] [Uni] [Inst] [Soc] [Ind]


Universitäten / Hochschulen

Autonomous University of Barcelona
Faculties: biosciences; medicine; science (chemistry, geology, mathematics, physics); veterinary medicine - [e, es]

Autonomous University of Madrid
Natural sciences; medicine - [e, es]

Carlos III University of Madrid
Materials science; engineering; chemical engineering; physics, mathematics - [e, es]

Complutense University
Natural sciences faculties. Madrid - [e, es]

International University of Andalusia
The UNIA is a Public University part of the Andalusian University System, open, focusing on graduate studies, committed to the development of its surroundings, with a will to cooperate at international level and in solidarity terms, especially with Latin America and the Maghreb, which meets with quality, quickness, flexibility and innovative guidance the emerging challenges of modern society in the different fields of science, technology, culture and arts. Sevilla, Huelva, Jaen, Malaga - [e, es]

Jaume I University
Experimental sciences; chemical engineering; mathematics; technology; chemistry. Castellón de la Plana - [e, es]

Menendez Pelayo International University
UIMP - [e, es]

Miguel Hernandez University of Elche
Departments: agrochemistry; applied biology; biochemistry and molecular biology; material sciences; mathematics; medicine; pharmacy; physics; engineering - [es]

National University of Distance Education
UNED - [e, es]

Pablo de Olavide University
Faculty of Experimental Sciences; Polytechnic School. Sevilla - [e, es]

Polytechnic University of Catalonia
Natural sciences and engineering. Barcelona - [e, es, cn]

Polytechnic University of Madrid
Engineering - [e, es]

Polytechnic University of Valencia
Departments: mathematics; physics; thermodynamics; biotechnology; chemical and nuclear engineering; chemistry; food technology; vegetal biology; ... - [e, es]

Pompeu Fabra University
Departments: experimental and health sciences. Barcelona - [e, es]

Public University of Navarra
Natural sciences - [e, es]

Rey Juan Carlos University
Biology; chemistry; chemical engineering; applied mathematics; material sciences; geology; medicine - [e, es, cn, ru]

Rovira i Virgili University
Faculties: education sciences; chemistry; medicine and health sciences; oenology. School of engineering; chemical engineering. University of Tarragona - [e, es]

Technical University of Cartagena
Industrial engineering; chemical engineering - [e, es]

University of A Coruna
Departments: chemistry; cellular and molecular biology; industrial engineering; mathematic; medicine; physics - [e, es]

University of Alcala
UAH - [de, e, es, f, cn]

University of Alicante
Faculty of Science: natural sciences. Institutes for chemical processes; organic synthesis, materials research; environmental sciences; ... - [e, es]

University of Almeria
Agricultural chemistry, analytical chemistry, biochemistry, biology, chemical engineering, inorganic chemistry, mathematics, neuroscience, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, physics, - [e, es]

University of Barcelona
Faculties: biology; pharmacy; geology; mathematics; physics; chemistry; medicine - [e, es]

University of Burgos
Scientific faculty - [e, es, pt, cn]

University of Cadiz
UCA - [es]

University of Cantabria
Departments: physics, mathematics, medicine, technical mining engineering, ... - [e, es]

University of Castile-La Mancha
Natural sciences, medicine, ... - [e, es]

University of Cordoba
Faculties: veterinary medicine; agricultural and forestry engineering; medicine; science; education sciences ... - [e, es]

University of Extremadura
Biology, biochemistry, ecology, mathematics, physics, materials engineering, chemical engineering, mathematics, chemistry - [e, es, pt]

University of Girona
Departments: biology; chemical engineering; physics; chemistry; applied mathematics - [e, es]

University of Granada
Faculties: dentistry; educational sciences; medicine; pharmacy; science ... - [e, es]

University of Huelva
Faculties: education; experimental sciences (geology, environmental sciences, chemistry); polytechnic school (chemical engineering, industrial engineering, mining) - [e, es]

University of Jaen
Biology; physics; geology; chemical engineering; analytical, inorganic, organic and physical chemistry - [es]

University of La Laguna
Faculties: biology, pharmacy, physics, mathematics, medicine, chemistry, .... Tenerife - [e, es]

University of La Rioja
Industrial engineering - [es]

University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
ULPGC departments: biology, biochemistry, molecular biology, clinical sciences, medicine, physics, process engineering, mathematics, chemistry, ... - [e, es, f, cn]

University of Leon
Departments: biodiversity, molecular biology, biomedicine, applied chemistry and physics, geology, mathematics, medicine, mineralogy - [es]

University of Lleida
Departments: management of natural resources; medicine; mathematics; environmental and soil sciences; plant production; chemistry; food technology; - [e, es]

University of Malaga
Mathematics; legal medicine; anatomy; animal biology; cellular biology, genetics and physiology; molecular biology and biochemistry; vegetal biology; organic chemistry; ecology and geology; pharmacology; physics; histology and anatomical pathology; chemical engineering; chemistry; ... - [es]

University of Murcia
Biology, chemistry, mathematics, medicine, physics - [e, es]

University of Oviedo
Natural sciences; medicine; engineering - [e, es]

University of Salamanca
Faculties: biology, chemistry, pharmacy, medicine, ... - [e, es]

University of Santiago de Compostela
Natural sciences; medicine - [es]

University of Seville
Biology, biochemistry, crystallography, mineralogy, mathematics, .... Sevilla - [es]

University of the Balearic Islands
UIB. Palma de Mallorca, Menorca - [e, es]

University of the Basque Country
Natural sciences - [es]

University of Valencia
Natural Sciences - [e, es]

University of Valladolid
Departments: mathematics, anatomie, radiology, cellular biology, histology, pharmacology, biochemistry, molecular biology, material sciences, ... - [e, es]

University of Vigo
Scientific and technical departments (biology, chemistry; ecology; physics, applied mathematics) - [e, es]

University of Zaragoza
Biochemistry; molecular biology; chemistry; physics; geology; materials sciences; pharmocolgy; chemical engineering; mathematics; medicine - [e, es]

[Che] [Uni] [Inst] [Soc] [Ind]


Nationale Forschungseinrichtungen, Forschungsinstitute

Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas - [e, es]

[Che] [Uni] [Inst] [Soc] [Ind]


Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaften

Spanish Chemical Society
Royal Spanish Chemical Society: Real Sociedad Espanola de Química, RSEQ - [es]

Spanish Society of Clinical Biochemistry and Molecular Pathology
SEQC - [es]

Spanish Society of Cosmetics Chemistry
SEQC - [es]

Spanish Society of Medicinal Chemistry
The Sociedad Española de Química Terapéutica (SEQT) is a multidisciplinary, non-profit body created in 1977. It integrates all Professionals, Companies, and Organisations whose activity is related to Spanish Pharmaceutical R+D - [e, es]

Spanish Society of Physics
Real Sociedad Española de Física, RSEF - [es]

[Che] [Uni] [Inst] [Soc] [Ind]


Chemische Industrie, Verbände, Organisationen

General Council of Chemical Associations in Spain
ANQUE. Madrid - [es]

Spanish Technological Platform for Innovative Medicines
... is an initiative that aims to encourage biomedical research into new medicines through the co-operation of all agents - [e, es]

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Spanien: Naturwissenschaftliche Institutionen und Organisationen; Forschung
Spanien, Chemie, Naturwissenschaften, spanische, Universitäten, akademische, naturwissenschaftliche, Institutionen, Organisationen, Forschung, Behörden, Industrie
07.11.2010 00:00:00 [Überprüfung der Links]
25.04.2011 [Änderung der Seite]

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